Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Getting Ready...

Here we are, less than one month away from my due date (23 days to be exact). I am so excited I can barely contain myself. I scour the internet looking for ways to help Diego along: "Just how many jumping jacks will it take to shake this baby out?" or "How much castor oil do I need to gulp down?" and my personal favorite, "Just how much (censored) do we need to have to stimulate my uterus?"

I am 3.5 cm as of last Wednesday, perhaps more now... Diego is hanging out LOW in my pelvis, though I can always feel baby boy kicking me UNDER my ribs (joy!), I have also lost my (censored), which I am told indicates an "any day now" appearance... Alas, our bassinet sits unused and the to-go bag with clothes, snacks, hospital paperwork, and the all important "contact list" has been abandoned to the trunk of my car. Everyone knows I like to unwrap presents before Christmas, know what is going to happen in a scary movie, and have all the details laid out in advance so that I know what to expect. This is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life because I am not in control, nor do I have the capability of looking it up online and learning the details...

Whatever happens (whenever!), I just want to meet my son. I want to hold him and hug him, nurse him and love him. Miguel and I are so excited, it is literally all that we talk about. Plus, how many more times can a person rearrange a changing table or hall closet? I am out of projects! I am ready for the new challenge that is growing in my belly. Diego, I can't wait to meet you. Take your time if you are not ready, but when you are, be assured that we are ready for you! Love Mom and Dad.