Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Diego's Nursery!

The green stripe is perfect!

There's a new sheriff in town...

Getting Ready...

Here we are, less than one month away from my due date (23 days to be exact). I am so excited I can barely contain myself. I scour the internet looking for ways to help Diego along: "Just how many jumping jacks will it take to shake this baby out?" or "How much castor oil do I need to gulp down?" and my personal favorite, "Just how much (censored) do we need to have to stimulate my uterus?"

I am 3.5 cm as of last Wednesday, perhaps more now... Diego is hanging out LOW in my pelvis, though I can always feel baby boy kicking me UNDER my ribs (joy!), I have also lost my (censored), which I am told indicates an "any day now" appearance... Alas, our bassinet sits unused and the to-go bag with clothes, snacks, hospital paperwork, and the all important "contact list" has been abandoned to the trunk of my car. Everyone knows I like to unwrap presents before Christmas, know what is going to happen in a scary movie, and have all the details laid out in advance so that I know what to expect. This is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life because I am not in control, nor do I have the capability of looking it up online and learning the details...

Whatever happens (whenever!), I just want to meet my son. I want to hold him and hug him, nurse him and love him. Miguel and I are so excited, it is literally all that we talk about. Plus, how many more times can a person rearrange a changing table or hall closet? I am out of projects! I am ready for the new challenge that is growing in my belly. Diego, I can't wait to meet you. Take your time if you are not ready, but when you are, be assured that we are ready for you! Love Mom and Dad.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

All is well!

Miguel and I went to the doctor yesterday for my 24 week check-up. The doctor measured my uterus and we got to listen to Diego's heart beat. His heart rate was ranging between 145 and 155, which is normal. We didn't get an ultrasound, so no new pics to post. Maybe next time...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's day surprise...

22 weeks: Miguel got a nice father's day surprise this morning when he felt Diego kick (or jab or head-butt) me in just the right spot at the right time! How special for him! Gotta admit it brought tears to our eyes...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Oh yeah...

Check out Diego's crib quilt! Great colors, right? And how cute are those owls?!

A mover and a shaker...

I felt Diego move for the first time on Thursday, June 9th! He let it be known that he does not like it when I lay on my tummy, even if it was just for a second! He is most active when I am in bed. It could also be that I feel him better when I am laying still :)

Miguel is so excited, I can't wait till Diego is strong enough to jab me hard enough for daddy to feel.

I can't wait to see what the next 4 1/2 more months brings!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's a...

Today we found out we are having a boy! We got to spend nearly an hour staring at our bundle of joy. He was facing down, which afforded the technician a great view of his spine, but apparently made it quite difficult to view all 4 chambers of his heart. He said we might have to go back in to get a better shot...

I am exactly 19 weeks and 5 days. The due date remains the same, October 20, 2011.

Here is a great profile pic!